Where I’ll be:
“Dependency ratios, intergenerational justice, and the duty to work.” Workshop, Ethics of Choosing and Refusing Work, University of Edinburgh, 2/25
“Human capabilities and the right to grieve.” Invited presentation, American Philosophical Association Central Division Meeting, 2/25
Paper for workshop on attention and value, University of Oslo, 4/25
Paper on grief for conference on philosophy of pain and suffering, University of Glasgow, 5/25
“Creating vulnerable agents: Toward a Kantian procreative ethic.” Workshop on ‘Kant’s Ethics Beyond the Strawman’, Greifswald University, 5/25
Paper on grief and memory, Centre for Philosophy of Memory, University of Grenoble, 6/25
Invited presentation, ‘Death and the Self’ conference, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, 7/25
Paper for Aristotelian Society/Mind Association, Joint Session, University of Leeds, 7/26