“Practical fidelity and the duty to grieve.”
- Rutgers University Value Theory colloquium, 11/24
- Departmental colloquium, State University of New York, New Paltz, 11/24
“Immortality and the varieties of agency,” Invited speaker, 19th New York University Conference on Issues in Modern Philosophy, 11/24
“Our aversion toward death.” Yale University Moral Philosophy Working Group, 11/24
“Grief and the value of tragedy.” Princeton University Normative Philosophy Workshop, 11/24.
“The cruelty in capital punishment?” Seton Hall University, 11/24
“Griefbots, memory, and death denial.” Keynote presentation, Death and the Digital Realm, Leiden University, 10/24
“The harm of execution.” 5th Biennial World Meeting, International Association for hte Philosophy of Death and Dying, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, 8/24
“Warranted affective ambivalence: The case of grief.”
- International Association for the Philosophy of Death and Dying, 7/24 (online)
- European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotion, 10th Annual Conference, 6/24
Panelist, “Last Breath: Navigating Morality and End of Life Decisions.” Malaysian Philosophical Society, 7/24
“The human right to grief and the wrong of disenfranchisement.” Cultures of Disenfranchised Grief, Newcastle University, 6/24
“Grief: The philosophical essentials.” NOVA University, Lisbon, 6/24
“Vestigial agency in an immortal life.” University of Edinburgh, 6/24
“Workplace democracy versus… democracy?” Workshop on Work and Equality, Trinity College Dublin, 5/24
“Fearing our deaths, grieving our selves.” International Association for the Philosophy of Death and Dying/Scots Philosophical Association Conference, ‘Relating to Death, Relating to the Dead’, University of Edinburgh, UK, 5/24
“Attention, solitude, and the social dimensions of grief.” Keynote address, Alone Together: Solitude in Theory and Practice (International Society for Research on Solitude), Bishop Grosseteste University (Lincoln, UK), 4/24
“Ambivalence and paternalistic suicide prevention.” University of Copenhagen, Centre for Public Health, 4/24
“Memory and mimesis in our relationships with posthumous avatars.” Workshop on Philosophy of Avatars, University of Aberdeen, 3/24
“Productive pluralism as a post-work vision.”
- Philosophy of Work network (online), 3/24
- Invited Keynote, workshop on the Future of Work, Ludwig Maximillian University, Munich, 12/23
“Transformative paternalism.” Workshop on Paternalism and Discrimination, Aarhus University, Denmark, 11/23.
“Love, identity, and the duty to grieve.” Edinburgh University, workshop on the Philosophy of Love and Loss, 10/2023